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How Jupiter Protects Earth from Major Asteroids Impacts 'shepherds' the asteroid belt, preventing the asteroids from falling into the sun or accreting into a new planet. Long-period comets, certainly, move in to the solar system from its outer extents. Jupiter’s gravity slings most of these fast stirring asteroids out of the solar system before they can even get close to Planet Earth. Here is an amazing illustration of how Jupiter protects Earth from major Asteroids Impacts…..

Starożytni Grecy mieli rację, że Zeus(Jowisz) chroni nas przed Tytanami.

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Plik: 706ef78ag0Q8qg_460sa_v1
Rozmiar: 460x460, 1,98 MB
Wyświetleń: 718
Ulubione dla 11 osób
Dodano: 2016-04-02 19:14:42
Status: Publiczny
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